SBC Week 4: Global Issues – Activity 1: Water

Hi it’s hmsmarim,

I researched about a global issue that has been going on lately. The topic I picked was water issues.

All around the world, there are water issues. Around 1.1 billion people around the world have lacking access to water. Almost two in three people lacking access to clean water to survive. There are many countries where people have very little water resources. There are many water issues for many people. People are thirsty because they have lack of water. Some people waste water, which is not good because most people around the world have the lack of water. Many women spend several hours collecting clean water, so people can have it to drink in rare water places. We should save water, so in the future, we have more uses for it.

These are the pictures I used for the collage that I made.

Link to my collage

This is where I got some of my information from: Water and Development – Global Issues

If you know some of the places that are having a hard time getting water put them in the comments below.

That’s it for today!


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