SBC Week 3: Activity 3 – Picture Poem

Hi, guys, it’s hmsmarim,

Today I’m going to create a poem that is related to a picture. I hope you like the poem, it may not be good, but I tried.

This is the picture that I chose:

Sometimes trusting in God is good, but some people don’t trust him but it’s okay. I believe in him you may not, but I pray to him for where you may not. He chooses not to be bad, but whether to be good, so where he lies is where we seek the truth. People pray to God whenever they’re in trouble, but some people don’t like to so you don’t have to follow.

That was the poem that I created, but it’s not that good.

Have a great day!


My Best Work in Art, Performance Taiko, and Japanese

Hi, guy, it’s hmsmarim,

Today I’ll be talking about my best work in Art, Performance Taiko, and Japanese.

My best work in Art would have to be The Beauty of Hawaii. The Beauty of Hawaii is where we drew a picture of nature, colored it in with either oil pastels, watercolor, or using acrylic paints. I think that is my best work in Art is because I worked really hard on it and I think that is one of my best paintings.

This is my painting that I painted myself

My best work in Taiko is the song Kadon. Kadon is a mixture of 9 patterns. I think that is my best work because I did very well performing. I think that is my best work because we took a long time to memorize.



My best work in Japanese is my Japanese tests because I did really well on them. The Japanese tests are pretty hard and I studied really hard, so I think that was my best work.

Link to my Japanese Test: Japanese Test






That’ it for today!


My Best Work in Social Studies and Science

Hi, it’s hmsmarim,

Today I’ll be talking about my best work in Social Studies and Science. My best work might not be my best work later on, but that’s what it is for now.


I think my best work in Social Studies is my Ancient China notes. I think that is my best work because I wrote good notes to study from.

Ancient China

  1. Location
  • Eastern Portion of Asia
  • The 3rd largest country in the world
  • Biggest population
  • Yellow River
  • River of Sorrow: causes flooding and death
  • River provides water for humans, animals, and crops
  1. Early Civilization
  • The first Chinese to cultivate crops and domesticate animals
  • They also buried their dead in pottery jars
  • The Cishan established a dynasty to rule the empire
  1. Main Cities
  • Dynasties were established by major rivers
  • The rivers provided, trade, water, communication, and transportation
  1. Desserts
  • Ancient China was bordered by two of the world’s largest deserts, which are the Gobi Desert to the north and northwest and the Taklamakan Desert to the west
  • Provides protection, but they also made hard for the empire to expand
  1. Himalayas
  • Several vast mountain changes
  • The Chinese were very successful until they got to the Himalaya Mountain
  • The Himalayan Mountains constitute the world’s highest mountain range
  1. Nomads from the North
  • Nomads are members of a group that have no permanent home
  • The northern nomads were excellent horsemen who used early forms of stirrups and other equipment to control their horses
  • Allowed them to fight better with horses/horsemen
  • The Great wall was for keeping invaders from the north
  1. Trade Network
  • The same geographic elements that protected China from outside forces also made trade by overland routes extremely difficult
  • Because the land mounts were limited, hey had to use sea routes to expand their trade
  • Cultural exchanges were also limited by ancient China’s geographical barriers
  • This limited the areas where the Chinese could trade


  • Lead him to believe that people we would be good by virtue
  • If you are honest with each other and respect them then you are their friend
  • Because of Confucius, so the government would treat people the right people that were only honest and respectful
  • Taoism was found by the Laozi
  • Taoism was the way to live
  • Balance in harmony is the Yin (is bad) Yang (is good)

Qin Dynasty

  • The Qin Dynasty set up a government based on districts so the emperor had an easier time with the empire
  • This is copied by other governments later
  • He expanded China which is now big and powerful, he tried the same with Korea, Japan, and Vietnam
  • Wudi united China under a central government based on Confucianism and expanded into Vietnam and Korea through trade

Those were my notes that I took.

My best work in Science would have to be Marble Run 1, 2, 3, or4. I chose that because we had to work in teams of 3 or 4 and my group was hmskailey and hmsryden. Marble Run is where you build a roller coaster out of tape and foam pipes.

I took a picture of this for an assignment in Science

That’s it for today!


My New Years Resolution

Hi Guys, It’s hmsmarim,

To start off the new year I will be sharing one resolution. But first, there are some questions that I would like to answer.
What is a resolution?

A resolution is a decision to do or not to do something. Resolutions are or when you want to accomplish from the beginning to end of the year. It’s a promise that you make and tell yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.

Have you ever wondered what my new year's resolution is?

My new year’s resolution is to try to get A’s in my core classes. I want to try to get all A’s because I want to also try to get a high GPA score as well.

How am I going to achieve this resolution?
  1. I’m going to focus in class (pay attention).
  2. Ask for help when needed.
  3. Be confident in my answers.
  4. Take my time when I’m doing my work.
  5. Answering the most questions the teacher is asking.
  6. Find a time schedule that I can use to help me organize my work.

My Working Schedule

Tips on how to keep your New Year’s Resolution
  1. Write your resolutions on a piece of paper so you don’t forget.
  2. Write self-motivation card and put them around your house or at school so everyone knows that they should keep trying their best to accomplish their goals.

Featured Image Picture website

Ways you can get your homework done

Make sure to comment on what your New Year’s Resolution is.

That’s it for today!
